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Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Our Story

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is, at its heart, a commitment between farmers and CSA members.  I commit to growing the best vegetables I can, in the most ecological and sustainable way possible.  In return, you agree to share with me some of the risks - and joys! - associated with farming.  Every year there are some crops that will not perform as favourably as they could, mostly due to the whims of Mother Nature.  There are also certain crops every year that perform abundantly, and will feature in starring roles in your baskets for weeks (Swiss Chard, anyone?).  In the early weeks of the CSA your baskets will be lighter (and mostly green), because fewer things are ready.  However, in the later weeks you may find you can’t fit everything in your basket and have to freeze or jar some of the abundance for later.  Consequently, it is important to understand that a CSA will not necessarily replace your weekly grocery trips for produce.  Since the vegetables offered are strictly those in season, you may have to supplement your weekly CSA basket with other things from the produce department of your local grocers - or even better, the Farmers' Market.  For this reason, CSAs are not for everyone, and that is okay!  But by joining a CSA, you will have the opportunity to participate in a social and economic model that is based on a lasting relationship between farmer and member, centered on mutual respect and understanding.  Most importantly, it is centered on a love of farming and good, fresh, healthy, and sustainable food that is better for individuals, families, communities and the earth.


JULY 2nd  TO OCTOBER 8th. 

That's 15 weeks of local eating!

Here's How It Works:

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Sign Up

Choose either a small share size for $420 or a regular share for $540.  
Then start counting down the days until July 2nd!  

What Vegetables Can you Expect

We grow over 40 kinds of vegetables in our market garden, which helps offset the risks associated with crop loss due to weather and insect pressure.  We are profoundly grateful to be able to grow using a variety of methods (including crop rotation, green manures, landscape fabric, hoophouses, permanent plantings and more), which allows us to offer a wide variety of crops for our 4 months of seasonal eating.  In addition, we partner with trusted local farmer friends to bring you crops that cannot/will not grow on our land such as potatoes and corn (both of which require large amounts of land and equipment investment beyond our reach).      
Although quantity and variety will vary over the season, we have shared below three examples of what your basket might look like over the season: 

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Example of a Mid-July Basket

  • Potatoes

  • Garlic Scapes

  • Garlic Scape and Basil Pesto

  • Kale

  • Head Lettuce (ie. Romaine, Buttercrunch)

  • Leaf Lettuce Mix

  • Kohlrabi

  • Sprouts

  • Green Onions

  • Spicy Braising Mix

  • Potted Plants

  • Cucumbers

  • Beans

  • Fresh Cut Flowers and Herbs


Example of a Late August Basket

  • Tomatoes: Cherry and Slicing

  • Potatoes 

  • Kale

  • Swiss Chard

  • Leaf Lettuce and Mixed Greens

  • Cucumbers: Field, English and Snacking

  • Peppers: A variety of shapes and colours

  • Eggplant

  • Zucchini

  • Beans: green, yellow and purple

  • Beets

  • Garlic

  • Onions: Red and White

  • Sweet Yellow Corn

  • Fresh Cut Flowers and Herbs


Example of a Late September Basket

  • Poatoes

  • Garlic

  • Winter Squash: Butternut, Acorn, Delicata, Spaghetti and more

  • Leeks

  • Onions: Red and White

  • Arugula

  • Leaf Lettuce 

  • Carrots

  • Beets

  • Celery

  • Celeriac

  • Pie Pumpkins

  • Tomatoes: cherry and slicing

  • Peppers

  • Tomatillos

  • Fresh CutFlowers and Herbs


Why Join a CSA?

Buy Local

Your support helps small local farms stay afloat.

By supporting a local business, you ensure that more of your dollars stay in the community.

Connect with the food you eat by meeting your farmers and exploring the farms.


Eat Well

Buy the freshest food for your family.

Explore new foods and learn to cook with them.

Find out that beet greens aren’t just good for you, they’re tasty too!


 Be Healthy

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.

Share healthy eating habits with your kids. Expose them to the joys of eating by the seasons.


 Protect the Environment

Support farmers who take care of their land by growing food in ways that take care of the soil.

Cut down on the number of miles your food travels from the farm to your plate.

CSA Signup Form 2025

Please fill out the form below.  Once we've received it, we will send you an invoice by email.  We require a 25% deposit to hold your spot, with the remaining 75% due at the end of July.  Invoices can be paid either by e-transfer or through our online payment service.  Thank you for joining us for a season of local eating!

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Thanks for submitting!

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